How much do federal employee advocates make?
Ever wonder how much union and professional association leaders are paid to represent you? National Journal’s latest survey of compensation for executives in the Washington area includes some federal employee advocates.
Postal employee union leaders did pretty well, the survey shows. John Hegarty of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union brought in $347,791 in annual compensation, based on Internal Revenue Service information available as of March 30 and primarily covering calendar year 2010. Fredric Rolando of the National Association of Letter Carriers earned $302,165 and William Burrus of the American Postal Workers Union netted $275,700.
American Federation of Government Employees President John Gage made $235,389 while National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley made $346,915, according to the figures. Paul Rinaldi of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association was in the same range as Kelley, at $328,168.
Seem high? The survey looks at total compensation, which includes base salary, bonuses and benefits such as health care, life insurance and tuition reimbursement. It also can include retirement packages for executives who left during the year. Compensation ranged from $69,158, for Ray Hair of the American Federation of Musicians of the U.S. and Canada, to $11.6 million for Billy Tauzin, former head of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (Tauzin stepped down in 2010).